The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy
By Salvatore Battaglia
Third edition
The modern holistic aromatherapist needs to be a multi-diciplined practitioner with training in remedial therapies, counselling, chemistry, botany, pharmacology, anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology. The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy covers all these topics with information derived from the wisdom of the past to the latest pharmacological and clinical studies.
The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy is internationally acclaimed as the most comprehensive text book on aromatherapy and is written for everyone who needs to be thoroughly familiar with the art and science of aromatherapy, whether it be for personal use, for the student of aromatherapy, for the professional aromatherapist and for the pharmacist, nurse, doctor or health professional.
The third edition of the Complete Guide to Aromatherapy has undergone a major transformation. It has become necessary to publish the book as two volumns. Volume 1 - Foundations and Materia Medica and Volume 2 - Science and Therapeutics. Volume 2 will be available in the near future.
Much of the information in the second edition has been updated and revised. The essential oil monographs have undergone considerable transformation, with new subsections on adulteration, pharmacopeias and standards, and a very detailed section summarizing the pharmacological and clinical studies. Salvatore Battaglia has expanded the section on subtle aromatherapy, the personality profiling and the energetic of essential oils. There is also a new section on blending for aromatherapy and perfumery purposes.