One of our most mature and complete house blends, Serene Spirit is exactly what it implies, and is a perfect addition to go-everywhere intimates, as a roll on. Quick access whenever the mood takes you; or when you wnat the mood to take you.
Product Information
One of our top house blends, in a roll in; ready to enchant, ground, and delight you--our favorite roots and woods, ready in apply in case of any emergency, when you feel your spirit needs to get a grip. Keep a bottle in your purse or pocket--doesn't leak, and applies quickly and easily.
Here are all our favorite roots and woods combined to make a earthen pull to rootedness, just what we need when we're overcome with emotions, fantasties, depression, and unproductive, unpleasant flights of fancy. Grounding and centering--this blend combines earthiness with deepness of spirit--oud, frankincense, vetiver, sandalwood etc
Easy and handy to have with you day when you want to just get a grip, in a base of pure golden jojoba oil.
Comes in a .3 oz/10 ml roller