Pine, Scots Essential Oil, Hungary

Pinus sylvestris

from $29.14 - $80.13
Product Description Pinus sylvestris Pinaceae family Harvested and distilled in Hungary. This is also known as Forest Pine, or Norway Pine. It grows happily all over Europe. In the Dark Pine Wood Jam…
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latin-name: Pinus sylvestris
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Product Description

Pinus sylvestris

Pinaceae family

Harvested and distilled in Hungary. This is also known as Forest Pine, or Norway Pine. It grows happily all over Europe.

In the Dark Pine Wood

James Joyce

In the dark pine-wood
I would we lay,
In deep cool shadow
At noon of day.

How sweet to lie there,
Sweet to kiss,
Where the great pine-forest
Enaisled is!

Thy kiss descending
Sweeter were
With a soft tumult
Of thy hair.

O unto the pine-wood
At noon of day
Come with me now,
Sweet love, away.

Arctander describes this "true pine oil" as obtained by steam distillation of the heartwood and stumpwood of various species of pine. The crude oil is then submitted to fractional distillation under vacuum or steam distillation at atmospheric pressure to yield Pine oil.The lighter fractions are turpentine. According to Arctander, the wood chips are subject to extraction after distillation as the main constituents do not come over in the steam.

Pine oil is described as water-white to pale amber colored, somewhat viscous liquid; it has a sweet pine-woody, somewhat balsamic-anisic odor with an increasing sweetness in it's dryout, followed by a somewhat resinous-bitter undertone according to the type and grade of oil.

Regarding Scot's Pine in particular: It's characteristics as a "strong, turpertine-like, balsamic pine odor. The dryout he says is "quick and uninteresting!" The main features of this oil are its characteristic, fresh topnote and its peculiar sweetness. He's rather unimpressed with Scot's pine, as it's used widely for other applications rather than just in perfumes. This was 1961......

Also according to Arctander, in perfumery, Pine oil blends well with roseamary, cedarwood, citonella, rosewood and oakmoss.

Being almost terpeneless, it's easily soluble in alcohol.

Battaglia says:

Pinus sylvestris is one of the most useful and safest pine oils in Aromatherapy.

Pine oil in aromatherapy is useful for the musculoskeletal system, for pain relief and circulation. It is also sued for metal exhaustion, for pulmonary issues, and as a tonic for those recovering form illness.

Sal's book is great--chock-a-block with astounding useful infomation.


Safety Warning

As with most essential oils, dilute before using on skin. Perform a patch test before use if essential oil sensitivity is suspected. Do not take essential oils internally. Do not use on children or pets. Seek advice from a trained aromatherapist before using on people with compromised immune systems. Keep away from eyes and mucus membranes.
Enfleurage makes no medical claims relating to any products, essential oils or otherwise, on our website or through social media. We are an essential oil company, not doctors, The FDA has not evaluated the statements on this website. We present our information in order to educate our customers on traditional and general uses of essential oils; in no way do we diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or condition.
You the customer are responsible for understanding the safe use of any and all of our products, including essential oils, and use them accordingly.

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