Lemongrass Essential Oil, Organic, Sri Lanka

Cymbopogan flexosus

from $6.00 - $16.00
Lemongrass Essential Oil Splendid addition to ambient, skincare, perfume blends, and handy as a flavor, too. Grown and distilled in Sri Lanka from organic plants Product Information Cymbopogan flexosu…
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latin-name: Cymbopogan flexosus
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Lemongrass Essential Oil

Splendid addition to ambient, skincare, perfume blends, and handy as a flavor, too. Grown and distilled in Sri Lanka from organic plants

Product Information

Cymbopogan flexosus

Grown and distilled in Sri Lanka from organically grown plants.

The leaves are distilled, sometimes after partial drying.


This is flexousus, I think the more interesting of the lemongrass species, and it’s not as widely cultivated as the citratus.


Lemongrass is well known for flavor as well as perfumery and aromatherapy products like candles, soaps and similar; its distinctive and strong scent and low price mean it can easily find its way into various creations. Its largest use is probably for the isolation of its citral, and as the starting materials for the production of ionones, methylionones and vitamin A.

This is the lemongrass oil that does not contain myrcene—it shows larger percentages of geranial and neral.

Lemongrass leaves are used not only flavors, mostly in Asian cuisines, and also in traditional medical systems such as Ayurveda. The leaves are sometimes used as a source of cellulose and paper making.


Grows the Night

Grows the night when breath lays quietly

On obscure places fluid as winds,

Where clouds of rest become a hammock

Lulling frayed veins with lemongrass tea –

Grows the night allowing surrender

Its hypnotic intoxication

The exchange of matter and being-

For across the distance grows the night.

--Carly Lalion


Arctander says


Lemongrass oil is a yellow or amber colored, somewhat viscous liquid with a very strong, fresh-grassy lemon-type herbaceous or tea-like odor. It’s sweet, distinctly lemon-like, fresh and light.


Battaglia says


Lemongrass has been known to show the following activities:







Cholesterol lowering


Oral health



There have been plenty of studies done on lemongrass and he explains many of them in his book The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy.

Safety Warning

As with most essential oils, dilute before using on skin. Perform a patch test before use if essential oil sensitivity is suspected. Do not take essential oils internally. Do not use on children or pets. Seek advice from a trained aromatherapist before using on people with compromised immune systems. Keep away from eyes and mucus membranes.
Enfleurage makes no medical claims relating to any products, essential oils or otherwise, on our website or through social media. We are an essential oil company, not doctors, The FDA has not evaluated the statements on this website. We present our information in order to educate our customers on traditional and general uses of essential oils; in no way do we diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or condition.
You the customer are responsible for understanding the safe use of any and all of our products, including essential oils, and use them accordingly.


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